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Highland Pacific


C44-9W David Epling
E9A David Epling
E9B David Epling
GP9 - Freight David Epling
GP9 - Pax David Epling
GP40 David Epling

Freight Cars

Box David Epling
Cabeese David Epling
Gondola David Epling
LO, 55' David Epling

Passenger Cars

Baggage David Epling
Coach David Epling
Diner David Epling
Dome David Epling
Head End Power David Epling
Observation David Epling
Pullman David Epling

Citations:  Highland Pacific is an imaginary railroad, and was introduced in the November, 1989, issue of Model Railroader magazine.  Some of David Epling's gifs on this page are based on drawings by Charles White.

Copyright considerations:  You are authorized to download and use these images on your personal website -- indeed, you're encouraged to do so.  However, you are not authorized to download and use these images on any website or other medium that has any commercial content.  For example, if you have "Joe's Railfan Pages" without any advertisements, that's fine.  But when you place your first banner ad or other commercial content on your pages, you are no longer authorized to use these gifs without written permission from the originator of the gif.  Please send Frograil (via the e-Mail Tony button above) your copyright request, and I'll forward it to the appropriate individual.  [Note that Frograil is not the creator of any of these gifs, and cannot, therefore, directly extend copyright permission to use them for commercial purposes.]